Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Abandoned Barn

This was a barn near my house that had been abandoned for many years. Shortly after I painted it they tore it down.
This is a 15 x 17 inch watercolor painted on Arches paper.
$ 200.00


This canvas was first covered with vermiculite and then painted. I was able to achieve a soft wintery feel. Painted with Acrylic paints.
Size: 18 x 20 inches on stretched caanvas.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wooden Mask

Every now and then I like making 3 dimential things using 2 dimential materials and found objects. This is a wooden wall mask approximately 3 inches deep. Fiber for hair and buttons for eyes. The colors are vivid and enhanced with iridesent paints
Size: 14 x 12 x 3 inches
Price: $125.00

Monday, March 17, 2008


This is a portrait of one of our art club members in her native dress. The painting is 20 by 16 inches painted in Acrylic on stretch canvas. This was a fun portrait to do as the material is so beautiful in its shine.
The painting has been sold.

Monday, March 10, 2008


A flower everyone wants to eliminate from their lawns, however I think their yellow color is beautiful. It has a richness and depth. A country hill side filled with dandelion blossoms is a magnificent sight.
This is an oil painting on canvas board.
Size; 8 by 10 inches

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Red Hat Lady

Another Red Hat Lady. This was a fun set up that included some of the items popular with the group. Watercolor depicted my feelings so well.
Size: 4 by 6 inches